Rouge Likes You (Bill Cipher The Hedgehog Trollpasta)

If you wanna know where this thing takes place in, well it takes place in an alternate version of A Day With Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie But now let's start the story right, good.

= Part 1 =

If you know what The Bill Cipher The Hedgehog Franchise is you've likely have read Bill Comics on Deviantart now well i found a ADWSSTM DVD well, i knew it was fake but i got intrested, when i got home i popped the DVD in my DVD Player it skipped the Reagal Films Logo and went straight to the movie Spongebob and the other characthers in the movie were gone replaced by Bill, Rouge, & some other characthers.
It began with Bill running away from Rouge as usual then his demon inside & christian inside talk to him.
His demon inside tells him to kill Rouge while his christian inside tells him to talk to her.
He listens to his demon inside and starts killing Rouge.
He started at her boobs, then he cutted her organs out, then he killed her heart, then he molded her brain.
Then he starts laughing like Ren Hoek in the banned The Ren & Stimpy Show episode, Man's Best Friend for 2 minutes.
Then he said It's Hopeless 100 times before breaking the view.

= Part 2 =

Later Bill starts protesting Tailsko & ChaosCroc like i do in real life.
Then He Killed Tailsko.
He started killing everyone.
The He Killed Himself.
Then the DVD ended abruptly.
After that i started smashing the DVD.
Luckely nothing strange happened it was just a DVD.
Made by Quinten Van De Wetering (Creator of the Bill Cipher The Hedgehog Series).